Tuesday, November 21, 2006

One Mission

I'm doing some volunteer work with an organisation called One Mission, a group of young people that are keen to provide opportunities for people to volunteer. One Mission is just starting up and I'm finding my years with ADRA are providing some valuable experience. If you know people that are wanting to volunteer, visit www.onemission.org.au

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to see you're sharing your experience - I'm sure it will be very helpful to them.
I'm still looking for work. I'm still waiting to hear about this CIDA one - but given the time delays are probably an indication of how the organisation does business, I'm not sure I want to work there - governments eh!
I've also applied for a position wiith IDRC which is what I'd really like, and hopefully I'll hear about that soon. I've also got applications with Dept of Foreign Affairs and OXFAM. But all these poisition are in Ottawa - away from MY mountains!