Saturday, May 05, 2007

New Corolla

We have bought a 2004 Corolla. We bought it damaged and it has now been repaired. Our nephew Daz Scale organised it and meticulously watched over the repairs to make sure it was done well. You can't even see any sign of damage. I went down to Melbourne a couple of weekends ago and picked it up. It uses less than half of the fuel our Prado 4WD does! No wonder they are the most popular car in the world.

It was great to catch up with family. It's something that we don't do enough. I think I might sell this one and buy another one so that I can catch up with family again!

I saw our niece Delwyn as well and it seems that with God's help, she has gained the victory in her battle with breast cancer. Praise the Lord and may she remain clear in the future.
Our former neighbour Heather was down there (coincidentally) the same weekend. It was her first meeting of Daz and Neda's son, Jalen. We miss not having them next door!


Anonymous said...

Isn't it about time Heather had her own?!?!

Heather said...
